Harriet at Lunch

After she left for lunch, Harriet Trooping forgot where she worked, which was just as well. Since she was still hungry, she went to a friend's house to ask for some food and was very surprised when her son Nebuchadnezzar opened the door.

"You didn't tell me you were spending the day at the neighbors," Harriet said, taking off her shoes and lying down on the floor. "Mmm, we should get carpet like this for our house."

"Mom, this is our house," said Neb, rolling his eyes. "And you know that Nefertiti and I make meth in the garage with Dad on Wednesdays."

Harriet closed her eyes and smiled, thinking how proud she was that her god-like children were so good at chemistry. And double-entry accounting. And locksmithery.

"Oh, say. Can you or Nef go see if Mommy shut off her car? I think I forgot."

The boy dutifully shuffled out the front door and proceeded to back Harriet's Volvo station wagon out of the cedar bushes at the back of the yard, the same bedraggled bushes that so often kept the car from drifting into the ravine behind their property.

"Here are your keys," Neb said when he returned.

Harriet said thank you, put the fob of her key chain in her mouth, and went back to sleep.

Image above: pink shag carpeting by talented flickr user Ye Olde Wig Shoppe, (used under a Creative Commons by-share-alike license).


Anonymous said...

Lee - email me.

Doc AT willnotbetelevised.com

Anonymous said...

Lee - email me.

Doc AT willnotbetelevised.com